Kleen Air has a wide variety of HVAC filters to suite all your air filtration needs. Our filters are made with pride at our manufacturing facility in Groesbeck, Texas. Whatever your HVAC air filter requirements are Kleen-Air can help you meet them.
KA Series Pleat Filters
All of Kleen-Air's KA Series Pleat Filters are rated according to ASHRAE 52.2 standards. The KA series mechanical filter media is bonded to maximum rust resistant galvanized expanded metal to support the media and to maintain uniformity of the pleats. The pleated filter insert is enclosed in a heavy-duty, moisture resistant die-cut beverage board frame. The heavy-duty beverage board frame will stand up to rough handling, extreme service conditions, and will help provide a longer service life for the filter. The pleat peak is bonded to both top and bottom beverage board frames with a polymer emulsion adhesive that covers 100% die-cut frame to achieve a full adhesion that prevents air bypass.
KA SERIES MERV 10 PLEAT FILTER - The KA MERV 10 Pleat Filter is made with a synthetic media that relies on a mechanical particle capture principle and will not degrade due to the loss of an electrical charge.
KA SERIES MERV 10 HC PLEAT FILTERS - The KA MERV 10 Pleat Filter is also made in a high capacity format which has more pleats per linear foot, reduces resistance, increases dust holding capacity, and extends the service life of your filter.
KA MERV 11 PLEAT FILTER - The KA MERV 11 Pleat Filter is primarily used in systems that require a higher efficiency filter than the industry standard.
KA MERV 13 PLEAT FILTERS - The KA MERV 13 Pleat Filter meets air filtration efficiency Criteria Required For certification within the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Program.
KA MERV 8 CARBON PLEAT FILTERS - Our Carbon filters are often used in environments where the reduction of odors and fumes is necessary.
KA EXTENDED SURFACE POCKET FILTERS - are offered in options of MERV 14, MERV 13, MERV 11, and MERV 9. Extended surface pocket filters are primarily used in high efficiency systems such as hospitals, food processing plants, telecommunications facilities, and other facilities where indoor air quality is of the utmost importance.
KA MINI-PLEAT FILTER - Providing high efficiency performance in both stable and turbulent environments. Tight pleat consistency allows this easy-to-handle filter perform with low energy usage while reducing energy costs.
KA RIGID BOX FILTER - Specifically designed for variable air velocity systems and turbulent air. Plastic pleat separators are locked into the frame to ensure media pack stabilization throughout the service life of the filter. The RIGID BOX is built TOUGH with a Galvanized metal frame and a synthetic wire-backed media.
KA V-CELL 4V & 2V FILTER - Stellar performance can be expected with the 4V style V-Cell filter. Extended surface area with this final filter provides lower initial resistance and longer life. The 2V style V-Cell is also worthy of consideration as a cost savings measure without compromising efficiency or performance. Both are built with an ABS plastic light weight frame, minipleat media, and plastic bead separators for stability.
KA HEPA FILTER - High Efficiency Particulate Air – When your application requires 99.99% efficiency on 0.3 microns, the KA HEPA is an excellent choice of particulate removal. Each HEPA is individually tested and certified.
KA GAS-TURBINE FILTER - First-In-Class and Second-To-None our KA-GT is specifically engineered for rugged and harsh environments. The KA-GT provides high efficiency filtration to protect your Turbine. Burst tested, down-stream faceguards, down-stream engineered gasket, minipleat Microglass media, rigid ABS plastic frame are all primary to the KA-GT.
KA TURBINATOR PREFILTER - Designed to support the challenges of the rugged first pass protection to your Turbine. Not just your standard 4" pleat, the Turbinator is double reinforced and built tough by proud Texans.
The KLEEN-AIR TURBINE TEAM out of Groesbeck Texas will exceed your expectations with filter performance and Turn-Key installations.